V.S.F.A. in Washington June 14th and 15th

V.S.F.A. in Washington June 14th and 15th

Tuesday and Wednesday June 14th and 15th we had several members and board members that attended the VTA conference in DC. The meeting was a huge success. Our members in attendance we’re Michael Maculley, Amy McCann, Randy Dundee, Mike Provost as well as Kim Ward and JP Collins (they work for Mike) and Jay Taylor.
Tuesday it was standing room only.
We heard from speakers on these topics.
1. Deeming Compliance Overview
a. Overall Rule Authority
b. Timeline on Compliance
c. Specific explanations of what needs to be done
d. Possible outcomes of litigation
2. Retailer Compliance & Pitfalls
a. Do’s and don’ts
b. Sampling – what is a “Free” Sample
c. Vending
d. Retailer/Mfg – DYI
e. Online Restrictions
3. Manufacturer Compliance
a. Obligations and compliance requirements
b. Small Manufacturers
c. Product Listing
d. Registration
4. Inspection of Retailer and Manufacturing Facilities
a. What will the FDA look for?
b. Foreign mfgs and compliance
c. What happens during inspection
d. Potential enforcement/penalties
e. GPMs – what are they; where is FDA going?
5. Per Market Tobacco Applications Process
a. Unavailability of SE process
b. Requirements for filing PMTA
c. Timeline for developing PMTA
d. Pitfalls in the process
6. VTA Today & Tomorrow
7. Federal Legislative Strategy
a. Cole-Bishop Day on the Hill Preview

Tuesday Evening we got to hear from Aaron Biebert and see a private viewing of ABillionLives. I can’t wait for the USA debut and for everyone to get to see it. It needs to be seen by as many non-vapers, Smokers and non-smokers as possible.

Wednesday we had meetings with the following Virginia Senators and Congressmen’s staffers.

Representative Scott Rigell (R-VA)
Representative Randy Forbes (R-VA)
Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA) (No meeting scheduled we just knocked on the door)
Representative Rob Whitman (R-VA)
Senator Time Kaine (D-VA) (no meeting scheduled we just knocked on the door)
Senator Mark Warner (D-VA)

These meetings we’re very productive as most representatives’ staffers we’re more open to talk to us. We asked each to support HR 2058 and the Cole/Bishop Amendment. Since the regulations had recently come out they listened to us on how overreaching the regulations we’re and that the lack of clarity the regulations provide. They we’re also interested in hearing how non-responsive the FDA has been to our questions. The VSFA was well represented on the at this event and our day on the hill. ‪#‎Leadbyexample‬













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